2304 NW 52nd Court,

Tamarac, FL 33309, USA

Tel. 954-714-0064

Cell. 954-709-2092

2304 NW 52nd Court,

Tamarac, FL 33309, USA

Tel. 954-714-0064

Cell. 954-709-2092


Lakeview Retirement Residence 

Policy and Procedure 

Access and Visitation 

Effective Date: 05/01/2022 


The purpose of this policy is to promote and protect a Resident's right to receive visitors in compliance with Florida Senate Bill SB 988. 


The resident has the right to receive visitors of his or her choosing at the time of his or her choosing, subject to the resident's right to deny visitation when applicable, and in a manner that does not impose on the rights of another resident. In accordance with FS 408.823, a resident and/or their legal representative may designate a visitor who is a family member, friend, guardian or other individual as an Essential Caregiver 


1. All current residents and/or POA/Guardian, if appropriate, will be asked if they want to designate an Essential Caregiver. 

2. All new residents will be asked if they would like to designate an Essential Caregiver upon move-in. 

3. All residents will be allowed to update, as requested, the name of their Essential Caregiver of Record within two (2) business days of request. All requests for change must be done in writing. 

4. The facility must provide immediate access to any resident by: 

a. Any representative of the Secretary; 

b. Any representative of the State; 

c. Any representative of the Office of the State Long-Term Care 


d. The resident's individual physician; 

e. Any representative of the agency responsible for the protection and advocacy system for the developmentally disabled individuals; 

f. Any representative of the agency responsible for the protection and advocacy system for individuals with mental disorder; 

g. The resident's legal representative. 

5. The facility will provide immediate access to a resident by immediate family and other relative of the resident, subject to the resident's right to deny or withdraw consent at any time. 

6. The Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman will be given access to examine a resident's medical, social and administrative records in accordance with State law. 

7. The facility will provide immediate access to a resident by others who are visiting with the consent of the resident, subject to reasonable clinical and safety restrictions and the resident's right to deny or withdraw consent at any time; 

8. Residents are allowed a max of 2 visitors at time. Facility may set a maximum number of visitors at a given time based on the ability of staff to safely screen and monitor as well as space to accommodate the Essential Caregiver visitors. 

9. Designated Essential Caregivers are allowed to a visit a maximum of two (2) hours per day, 7 days a week between the hours of 9:00am - 9:00 pm. The facility may make exceptions to the 2-hour visitation on case-by-case basis for end-of-life residents. These exceptions will be discussed and agreed upon in writing by the facility administrator or designee and the resident's responsible party. 

10. Consensual physical contact between a resident and a visitor is allowed. 

11. The facility will inform each resident and/or resident representative of his or her visitation rights and related facility policies and procedures. 

12. The facility will inform each resident of the right, subject to his or her consent, to receive the visitors who he or she designates as well as deny visitation including but not limited to: 

a. A spouse, including a same sex spouse; 

b. A domestic partner, including same sex domestic partner; 

c. Another family member; 

d. A friend; 

e. Essential Caregiver 

1. Essential Caregiver may be a family member, friend, guardian, or other individual as designated by the resident 

ii. The facility will allow in-person visitation by the essential caregiver for at least 2 hours daily, in addition to any other visitation authorized by the facility 

iii. The Essential Caregiver is not required to provide care to the resident. 

13. The facility will not restrict, limit, or otherwise deny visitation privileges based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability. The facility does not require visitorsto submit proof of any vaccination or immunization. 

14. The facility will ensure all visitors enjoy full and equal visitation privileges consistent with resident preferences. 

15. The facility will provide access to other non-relative visitors who are 

visiting with the consent of the resident. Visitors are subject to reasonable restrictions, which may include: 

a. Restrictions imposed by the facility that protect the security of all the facility's residents, such as keeping the facility locked at night; 

b. Denying access or providing limited and supervised access to a visitor if that individual has been found to be abusing, exploiting, or coercing a resident; 

c. Denying access to a visitor who has been found to have been committing criminal acts such as theft; 

d. Denying access to visitors who are inebriated, under the influence and/or disruptive; 

e. Establishing reasonable visitation hours to facilitate care giving for the resident or to protect the privacy of other residents, such as requiring that visits not take place in the resident's room if the roommate is asleep or receiving care; or 

f. Changing the location of visits to assist care giving or protect the privacy of other residents if these visitation rights infringe upon the rights of other residents in the center. 

16. The facility may suspend in-person visitation if the visitor vidates any of the facility's policies and procedures. 

17. The facility will provide all visitors with information on infection control including but not limited to hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, and screening and any other infection protocols for visitors. 

18. All visitors are required to be screened upon entering the facility. Screening includes answering all questions on the screening questionnaire and having their temperature taken. Visitors must also sign in/out on the visitor's log at the front desk indicating their name, date, times in/out and who they are visiting. 

g. Essential Caregiver must be screened upon arrival by a staff member and this information will be documented on the Visitor Log with the date and time of entry along with screening mechanism used as well as the screening employee's name and signature. Just as with staff entering the community, if the visitor fails the screening, the visitor WILL NOT be allowed to enter. 

h. Lakeview Retirement Residence will ensure that the required consents, training and policy acknowledgements are in place. 

i. Lakeview Retirement Residence will ensure that the Essential Caregiver has appropriate PPE provided by the facility, if applicable. j. Lakeview Retirement Residence's administrator and/or designee will monitor the Essential Caregiver visitor's adherence the policies and procedures. 

k. In the event the Essential Caregiver's status is revoked due to the individual not following the facility's policies and procedures, the resident may select a different Essential Caregiver visitor who will be granted visitation rights upon proper vetting and agreeing to and signing a copy of the facility's policy and procedures. 

Essential Caregiver Signature: 

I. As the designated Essential Caregiver for have been trained in and understand Lakeview Retirement Residence's infection prevention control policies and procedures and agree to abide by them. I have read and fully understand and agree to adhere to the facility's visitor policies. I further understand that my failure to comply with any of the policies and procedures allows the facility to prohibit me visiting the facility.

Essential Caregiver visitor 

Facility Representative 



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